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My Approach

My approach is to establish a foundation of safety by demonstrating attunement, compassion and understanding. I listen to you and alongside you, we explore where you need the most support. Everyone is unique and we all require different tools, pacing and approaches. I meet you where you are.

I offer a lot of psycho-education (alongside the tools I teach) to the people I work with because I believe it puts you in the driver's seat and allows you to really understand the how and why of things. I learn best when I know WHY I'm doing something rather than just doing it.


When I'm utilizing PRT (Pain Reprocessing Therapy) for those with Chronic Pain or Chronic Illness Symptoms, the initial process revolves around a lot of psycho-education about how the brain and nervous system work and how they are connected to pain and symptoms. After you understand the role your brain plays, I will teach you how to turn off the danger signals that are causing or amplifying your pain and symptoms.

I help you to build on your strengths and connect to your inner resilience by identifying and utilizing resources that support you to feel safe, anchored and capable.


I teach how to identify where you are holding stress, fear and unsafety and how to repattern your brain and nervous system to more accurately see what is and is not truly dangerous. We shine a light on all the dark and scary places to show you that all is well, so that you have more space to function and heal.

My sessions are always client led. I encourage all my clients to use their voice and choice and to share whenever they may want to change direction. I offer facilitation and direction but you are in the driver's seat, I'm just a navigator.


I hear you, I see you, you matter and I care.

Monarch Integrative Coaching - CFS/ME Support Healing - Integrative Healing - Chronic Pain Support - Mystery Illness Support - Trauma Healing - Trauma Coaching - PRT - Chronic Illness Coaching - Healing - Trauma Recovery Coaching - Chronic Stress - Holistic Coaching - Holistic Healing - Online Coaching - Recovery - Resilience - Teresa Hobbs
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